MySQL Connection Object
Add a MySQL connection to a folder.
[*lock] [+/-][database][@host[:port]] [user [password [unix_socket]]]
database user password
to use a MySQL server on localhost via the standard UNIX socket. Only specify host if the server is on a remote system. You can use a non-standard port, if necessary. If the UNIX socket is in a non-standard location, you can specify the full path to it after the password. Hint: To use a non-standard port on the local system, use for the host instead of localhost.
Either a database or a host or both must be specified.
A -
in front of the database tells ZMySQLDA to not use
Zope's Transaction Manager, even if the server supports
transactions. A +
in front of the database tells ZMySQLDA
that it must use transactions; an exception will be raised if
they are not supported by the server. If neither -
or +
are present, then transactions will be enabled if the server
supports them. If you are using non-transaction safe tables
(TSTs) on a server that supports TSTs, use -
. If you require
transactions, use +
. If you aren't sure, don't use either.
*lock at the begining of the connection string means to psuedo-transactional. When the transaction begins, it will acquire a lock on the server named lock (i.e. MYLOCK). When the transaction commits, the lock will be released. If the transaction is aborted and restarted, which can happen due to a ConflictError, you'll get an error in the logs, and inconsistent data. In this respect, it's equivalent to transactions turned off.
Transactions are highly recommended. Using a named lock in conjunctions with transactions is probably pointless.
Add a MySQL connection to a folder.
[*lock] [+/-][database][@host[:port]] [user [password [unix_socket]]]
database user password
to use a MySQL server on localhost via the standard UNIX socket. Only specify host if the server is on a remote system. You can use a non-standard port, if necessary. If the UNIX socket is in a non-standard location, you can specify the full path to it after the password. Hint: To use a non-standard port on the local system, use for the host instead of localhost.
Either a database or a host or both must be specified.
A -
in front of the database tells ZMySQLDA to not use
Zope's Transaction Manager, even if the server supports
transactions. A +
in front of the database tells ZMySQLDA
that it must use transactions; an exception will be raised if
they are not supported by the server. If neither -
or +
are present, then transactions will be enabled if the server
supports them. If you are using non-transaction safe tables
(TSTs) on a server that supports TSTs, use -
. If you require
transactions, use +
. If you aren't sure, don't use either.
*lock at the begining of the connection string means to psuedo-transactional. When the transaction begins, it will acquire a lock on the server named lock (i.e. MYLOCK). When the transaction commits, the lock will be released. If the transaction is aborted and restarted, which can happen due to a ConflictError, you'll get an error in the logs, and inconsistent data. In this respect, it's equivalent to transactions turned off.
Transactions are highly recommended. Using a named lock in conjunctions with transactions is probably pointless.